Shuffle cards
The person who claims to be the best Spanish speaker (not a no sabo kid) will draw the first card and the game will continue clockwise. If you are under 21, please do not follow drinking rules, if you are over 21, play responsibly.
If you draw a …
¿cómo se dice?
Read the English word to be translated to the group. The group can throw out guesses at the same time and whoever is first to guess the answer on the card, wins the card. Be careful! If you guess a penalty word, you can no longer guess and will have to take a shot! If no one is able to guess the answer, everyone drinks and the card is burned!
Prueba card
Read the Latino trivia question to the group and whoever correctly answers first wins the card, everyone else drinks! If there is a dispute about who was first to answer, play a game of Piedra, Papel, o Tijera to decide the winner! If no one is able to correctly answer, everyone drinks and the card is burned!
Chancla card
Read the top scenarios on the Chancla card to the group. Throw the card to the person who you think best fits that memory. That person will read and carry out the challenge on the bottom of the card. The group will decide if the person wins the card. If the person wins the card, then the group drinks! If not, the group will yell “Fuera!” and the person will have to take a shot.
how to win
Play until you feel more bilingual or once your ride is outside to take you to the next party! Player with the most cards at the end of the game wins and is no longer a “No Sabo” kid!
Gather materials: Get all of your cómo se dice cards from Yo Sabo The Game deck (105 cards in total). Each player receives a Tabla. Grab frijoles, rocks, or any token of your choice!
shuffle deck
Assign a person as the caller and shuffle the deck of cards.
Choose rules
You can play in a variety of ways, including easy mode where you have the caller announce the Spanish word on the cómo se dice cards. The players will listen to the caller and check their TABLAS to see if the announced word matches the one on their TABLA …
add the Yo Sabo heat by having the caller announce the English word by having them say “Cómo se dice <English word>”. Once the players know the Spanish word and see it on their TABLA, throw a token down! PERO SI NO TE PONES LISTO, you will be left behind!
race to finish
Don’t forget, once you fill your TABLA, yell out “¡YO SABO!” to let everyone know que …
Tú Sabes!